Manolis Mavrommatis
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

Overthinking……my thoughts!! and what to do about it!

“Thinking woman looking out a train car window alone” by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash

What is overthinking?

Why is this happening?

What effect if has and to what areas?

What can we do about it?

Overthinking is a state of which one thinks excessively about one or many topics one at a time or all together.

How many times we catch our selves thinking and thinking over and over again about a matter a business or a situation, trying to figure out all the possible solutions to all the possible problems we may face, that keep us awake at night cut down our appetite and take us all our vitality and energy?

How many times we are over empathetic overthinking about how our behaviour or the things we said to someone will affect him or our relationship, what he will think or what he will do?

I’m sure that a lot of you may have been to a similar situation of excessive thinking, well this happens for a lot of reasons:

Lack of knowledge / confidence

Usually when this happens one is not fully aware of the business or the situation he is into or is willing to be and because of that he is not confident about the outcome so the solution is to overthink try to compensate the lack of knowledge.

Fear / stress

When we are in fear of new, either this is a decision about a new bussiness or something we may face we stress and our brain desperately trying to figure out a solution, an exit from this stressful situation and the only way that our mind has to find a solution is overthinking.

Too much empathy

To have empathy is a good thing. It gives the ability to feel our surrounding environment. to feel the feelings of other people, to be able to forgive. But sometimes we may give too much attention to empathy which then leads to excessive thinking and a game of questions and answers inside our brains about how our behaviour or the things that we said to someone will affect him or our relationship.

All this thinking is unproductive, unnecessary, it consumes much of our energy and it may makes us sick. Also there is no way that we come to a good solution to what ever situation we are dealing with. This loop of thoughts born stress, which born more thoughts, which born more stress and then depression.

What can i do?

Common sense

In life there are some standard values and some common sense truths. So in any given situation apply some common sense values, standard values and move with them.

Stop talking to your mind / act

If you think that you can beat your mind with reason you are fooled. So this loop of continuous thoughts have to stop, this is the best strategy simply stop thinking and stop responding to what question arise, in the contrary act and solve one problem at a time and only when it appears.

Risk management

Risk management is almost the same with overthinking with a major difference : in risk management you have a frame in which you move usually with a team trying to minimize possible risks or failures on a matter or a bussiness then you plan and execute not spinning around again and again.

Chance your lifestyle

Exercise more… even 40 minutes of hiit exercises will make a huge difference. Be careful with your diet ( i prefer Mediterranean diet) eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Cliche but take Ω3 supplement. Take long walks. By doing all this you strengthen your body so it can withstand the brain but you also train and relax your brain to think more clearly!!

These are just my “thoughts” on overthinking. 😉 i would love to hear (read) your comments!