Can a ‘’good man’’ be a ‘’king’’ / adapt or die…

Manolis Mavrommatis
4 min readMar 2, 2018


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

A question that comes into my mind.. wondering what it takes to be a “king” or a man who must take decisions about important issues which affects a lot of people and their lives!
Lets analyse this … i will try to unfold my thoughts and place them in order. I only hope that my English are good enough 😉.

Well, with king I mean a man (or woman) who is responsible for taking decisions that influence lives of a lot of people. One can be a politician, a mayor, a CEO of a multinational company or the manager for a smaller company. In everyday life we all take decisions which for certain, influence our lives and in one point other people too. But when you have to take decisions in a bigger scale either for good or bad for you or the common interest you know as a fact that this will benefit some (most of them hopefully) and may hurt others. So in order for someone to be that person has to have qualities that characterise a decision taker, a “king.” I will let the first quality / characteristic aside which in my opinion is to be in general terms a “good person” with values, because I will analyse that later on.


Common sense is the ability to understand the world and the things that happening around you (and the way you interact with them), as the most people do.


When someone reaches certain levels of administration except the specific knowledge of his area, must have general and broad point of view so that he or she understands, analyses and use the information that he receives from the environment and the people around him.


In my drafts there is an article about patience that i will hopefully publish soon. If someone is impatient will do and say things that most of the time are going to be unprocessed without planning and risk management/analysis. Patience by itself will solve a lot of problems and it’s a virtue which most of the time characterises a leader.


“One equal none.” Almost all the great men have their advisers and consultants who are by their side ready to give their advise. The leader should always ask about their opinion, so he then can take the final decision. The advisers must have the above characteristics.


When it comes to decision making one has to have a “hard stomach”. Every other person sees things differently and from different angle but only the leader sees the whole picture, so he who makes decisions have to close his eyes and ears to external “noise” and do what it takes.

Now that I describe what a “king” is and what qualities has to have, I ’ll try to express what a “good” man is and if these two can be combined

A good person usually is an empathetic person who has compassionate feelings and possible excess caring about others. He place himself to other people situations and try to find solutions to all problems that he can.

My Conclusion :

A “good man” can be a “king”, a leader, BUT i’m not sure if he will be a good one, neither for the people he is responsible for, or himself. So here comes the ultimate characteristic which is :


One must be able to adapt. Everyday in our lives we face different situations that demand different approach. As we advance to what we want from life and we evolve to a person who makes decisions we have also to change… if someone climbs the ladder of life from low to high, he will for sure be an adaptive person.

So a “good” person can succeed and become what he wants, if he has the ability to adapt and change. The basic values and the red lines will exist because these are what distinguish everyone, but should be able to become more conciliatory in some, depending on the cases. I don’t mean someone to move on the shades of grey (it’s something I don’t like) just not being absolute.

Once a very cultivated lady told me in a conversation we had that ΄΄ you have a suitcase that you open and from there you get what it takes to use it depending on what you’re facing ΄΄. I took it as a compliment….

Your responses and comments will certainly help me to understand and discover the truth.

